We are proud of our community and want a club that reflects this. With the continued fundraising and efforts of the local community, we are making great strides in accomplishing this.

On 1st May 2016 the old Farndon Sports & Social Club was taken over by Farndon Community Trust and re-branded Farndon Community Club. This was done with the help of Farndon Parish Council who managed to source the necessary funding and now lease the premises to the Trust.
It is the aim of the Trust (a registered charity) to make the Club accessible for sporting and social activities for residents of Farndon and surrounding villages.
Unfortunately, it has not been financially viable to open the Club bar on a regular basis. However, we will continue with our Fairweather Fridays throughout the summer – weather and volunteers permitting!
The Main Hall and Studio are available for bookings for private parties or activities and work has commenced on our Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) which should be up and running by February 2022.
Whilst a huge amount of work has been undertaken with the help of fundraising events, grants and a lot of hard work by our volunteers we are still looking to upgrade the showers and the bar area in the near future.
FCT are always looking for individuals who are willing to become involved running or organising activities at the Club. This is a club for the village and your continued support will ensure that it succeeds in its aims.
Our Club trustees